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Results for

gas refinery plant

Climate Priority: Reducing Methane Leaks from Pipelines

With Abt’s support, the Pipeline Hazardous Materials Safety Administration is developing rules to reduce methane emissions from natural gas pipelines.
Hurricane Delta causes damage to Louisiana's Gulf Coast

Breaking Cassandra’s Curse: Advancing Climate Legislation Through Better Communication

In this blog, Abt’s Jonathan Dorn, Ph.D., explains why “scientific uncertainty” doesn’t mean scientists aren’t certain that humans are causing climate change.
U.S. Government Climate Action Plans Miss Opportunities for Deeper Collaboration

U.S. Government Climate Action Plans Miss Opportunities for Deeper Collaboration

In a review of federal Climate Adaptation Plans, Abt identifies a need for detailed descriptions of how agencies will coordinate.
How Needs-Based Climate Insurance Can Help Communities in the Pacific

How Needs-Based Climate Insurance Can Help Communities in the Pacific

Abt’s climate adaptation experts explain how specialized insurance products could reduce the impact of climate risks faced by Pacific Island Countries.
Valntina Lajqi

Climate Risk Management Increases Crop Yields and Strengthens Resilience in Kosovo

The USAID AGRO Activity helped Kosovo’s agriculture sector increase capacity, productivity, and income even as it promoted climate adaptation.
Jeffrey Conrad Wuorinen Joins Abt as Vice President, Just Climate and Energy Transitions

Jeffrey Conrad Wuorinen Joins Abt as Vice President, Just Climate and Energy Transitions

Jeff Wuorinen is Abt’s new VP, Just Climate and Energy Transitions, building on more than 20 years of experience helping clients manage just climate and energy transitions.