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371 - 380 of 401 results

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Climate Impacts and Risk Assessment (CIRA) Modeling

Climate Impacts and Risk Assessment (CIRA) Modeling

Abt Global’s staff has developed and implemented spatially specific modeling approaches for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to quantify, and often estimate the cost of, the impacts of climate change on a number of sectors and dynamics in…

Measuring Photo-Induced Toxicity of North West Shelf Oil in Australia

Photo-induced toxicity of crude oil occurs when ultraviolet light (UV) contacts certain photo-active polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which act as catalysts and produce reactive oxygen species. When this reaction occurs in the tissues of…
tanzanian men and women talking next to school

Strengthening Government Capacity in Tanzania

Despite tremendous economic growth, many Tanzanians remain underserved by public services such as health, education and agriculture. Two critical issues reduce access to quality services: the service delivery level lacks sufficient human and financial…
drinking water at bubbler

Setting a Health-Based Benchmark for Lead in Drinking Water

Abt Global provided technical assistance to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water to support the development of a draft report outlining potential approaches to inform a health-based benchmark for lead…
Evaluating Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Care Models

Evaluating Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Care Models

The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP), administered by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) within the Department of Health and Human Services, provides a comprehensive system of care for people living with HIV and AIDS. Although…
medical lab hands

Supporting Development, Dissemination and Implementation of the CDC Opioid Prescribing Guideline

Nearly 50,000 persons died of opioid overdoses in 2017, which contributed to the first-ever decline in working-age Americans’ life expectancy. A 2012 Abt Global study found wide geographic variation in opioid prescribing in the United States, indicating…
men at table talking

Helping USAID Integrate Climate Risk Management into its Missions and Bureaus

Climate change threatens human endeavors, including investments in developing countries. Since 2016, USAID has required that its new projects include a plan for Climate Risk Management (CRM), regardless of sector, to protect its investments and keep…
EvidenceNOW: Advancing Heart Health in Primary Care

EvidenceNOW: Advancing Heart Health in Primary Care

EvidenceNOW, funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), is helping more than 1,500 small- and medium-sized primary care practices across the U.S. use the latest evidence to improve the heart health of millions of Americans…
person in wheelchair

Helping Americans with Disabilities Stay at Work or Return to Work

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) wants to help Americans stay at or return to work after experiencing an injury or illness that limits their ability to work. Abt is helping the DOL learn which Stay at Work or Return to Work (SAW/RTW)  interventions…