591 - 600 of 2735 results
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My Kids Deserve the World: How Children in the Southeast Benefit from Guaranteed Income
This brief provides early insights from parents into how guaranteed income pilot programs improving outcomes for their families.
Person-Centered Evaluation Surveys with People with Disabilities: Lessons from the Field
A new research article from Abt looks at the inclusion of people with disabilities in studies of housing and supportive services.
Report Series: Mitigating Methane: A Global Health Strategy
Massachusetts Early Childhood Support Organization (ECSO) Year 3 Annual Evaluation Report
This report presents findings from the Massachusetts Early Childhood Support Organization (ECSO) ongoing implementation and impact evaluations.
How Children’s Savings Account Programs Can Support Black and Latine Students: Case Studies
This report from Abt and Prosperity Now examines four children’s savings account (CSA) programs and how they can advance post-secondary access for all students.
How do renters survive unaffordability? Household-level impacts of rent burden in Los Angeles
Abt was part of a team that examined how housing affordability affects renters, and the tactics that people use to survive.
Association between SARS-CoV-2 Infections during Pregnancy and Preterm Live Birth
Self-reported diabetes or hypertension diagnoses and antenatal care among child-bearing women in rural Bangladesh: A cross-sectional study
Findings from a study of nearly 5,000 recently pregnant people in Bangladesh underscore the importance of universal screening for diabetes and hypertension.
Migrating from Adobe ColdFusion: How Abt Can Help
This paper outlines the reasons government agencies will need a digital plan to transition out of ColdFusion and different migration paths they can take.
Benefit Offset National Demonstration (BOND) Special Topics Papers
Abt conducted follow up research using SSA’s Benefit Offset National Demonstration (BOND) data to explore longer term findings and special research topics.